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03 March, 2011

Molting Shrimps and Cultivation Technical Treatments

In the previous discussion has mentioned that under conditions of molting, shrimps are highly susceptible to disease infection and attacks from other shrimps (cannibalism) and predators. As a natural process, then during molting (naturally and individually molting), diseases infection, cannibalism and predators are an event that can not be avoided.

Conversely, if that happens are the process of mass molting and incidental molting, so its necessary the cultivation technical treatments to minimize adverse impacts to the process of shrimp culture in the period.

The cultivation technical treatments during molting shrimp time (in this discussion will focus on the conditions of mass molting shrimps) mainly to treatments of the implementation of the feeding program and pond water quality, are among others:
  1. At the time of shrimps appetite is decrease, then immediately adjust the daily feeding program by reducing the amount of feed given at each daily feeding frequency. On condition of shrimp appetite decreased extremely, then reducing the amount of feed should also be drastically. Feed reduction aims to reduce the occurrence of over-feeding can lead to accumulation of food remains that are not consumed by the shrimp at the pond bottom (the discussions related to feeding program has been described in earlier postings). One basic thing to note is while reducing the amount of feed, the daily feeding frequency should not be reduced because will result in increased the process of cannibalism and predators. Adjust the feeding program with the progress of shrimp needs during molting and after molting.
  2. In the event of mass molting in shrimps, preferably the frequency and volume of pond water replacement is reduced. This is to avoid any water quality shaking that can exacerbate shrimps condition at the time of molting. In the pond water which is not stable on it transparency level, it should be conducted fertilization immediately to form a stable water transparency.
  3. Check to pond water outlet channels intensively to monitor the progress of the condition and quality of shrimp in the event of mass molting. If found the shrimp carcass has been dragged out during the process of disposal of pond water, then do checks pond bottom immediately to determine the level of problems that occur. If the condition of the shrimp population has been indicated to the extreme problems, then the decision should lead to the harvesting
The cultivation technical treatments of during molting shrimp as mentioned above in its application is highly dependent on the conditions and qualities of pond water and the shrimp condition prior to the mass molting time. Referring to the above description and the previous discussions related to molting shrimps, then the best step that needs to be done is to attempt to avoid the occurrence of mass molting process by providing a convenient pond waters for shrimps and cultivation technical treatments applied during the process of shrimp culture are not shaking the condition of shrimp.

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