Pond bottom condition is a physical condition of pond bottom and its both processes that occur therein relating to biology, chemistry, physics and ecology that directly or indirectly involved an effect on the lives of shrimp and other organisms in a pond water ecosystem linkages.
This parameter can be used as one measure of pond waters quality with the following rationales:
Basically every plot of ponds that are operated always found the existence of dirt, and the things to consider is a level of existence and a level of its spreading in the pond compared to benchmarks from the observation of the condition and qualities of shrimps and pond waters. Some factors that could cause a dirt accumulation at pond bottom are among othesr:
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This parameter can be used as one measure of pond waters quality with the following rationales:
- Pond bottom is a space and a place to live for shrimps and other organisms under normal conditions as their natural habitats, so that the pond bottom conditions will affect to level of security and comfort for shrimp and other organisms in these waters.
- Pond bottom is a place of dirt embankment accumulation where both derived from the cultivation treatment and the metabolic processes performed by living organisms in the pond waters.
- Pond bottom is an area within the ponds, which is form a separate benthic sub-community in the pond and its existence has a high correlation with pond water ecosystem.
- At the pond bottom occurs processes of biology, chemistry, physics and ecology which are very dependent on a stability of the pond waters ecosystem.
- In certain conditions, the pond bottom can be either unaerobic because it is not happening oxidation process so it can endanger for the condition and quality of shrimps in ponds.
Basically every plot of ponds that are operated always found the existence of dirt, and the things to consider is a level of existence and a level of its spreading in the pond compared to benchmarks from the observation of the condition and qualities of shrimps and pond waters. Some factors that could cause a dirt accumulation at pond bottom are among othesr:
- Design and construction of pond bottom which is not designed with a level of concentration level according to central of waters outlet channels, so its causing the dirt at pond bottom spread at some point concentration.
- Placement of the water wheels that is not quite right, so can not direct it toward the central of waters outlet channels.
- Over-feeding when its compared with shrimp need level. Excessive feed remains are not consumed by the shrimp and rot and accumulate at the pond bottom and turned into dirt.
- Feeding techniques that are not evenly to all feed areas within the plot of a pond, so feed accumulates in one spot and its not consumed evenly so, there are turned into rot at the pond bottom.
- Shrimp population levels within the pond. In ponds with shrimp population relatively dense, pond bottom conditions will be relatively clean because the dirt of pond bottom, will be encouraged by itself to a central of pond water outlet channels caused by shrimp activities at pond bottom.
- Lack of ponds bottom checking by conducting dives regularly.
- Lack of intensity and frequency of circulation of water that can push dirt of pond waters toward the central of waters outlet channels.
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