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02 August, 2008

Pond Bottom Condition 02 – Observation Methods

Dirt at pond bottom is usually formed black sludge that settles at the bottom and contains H2S and NH3 which are acidic and in certain doses can be harmful to the shrimps. Dirt is derived from metabolic processes performed by the aquatic organisms, plankton mortality and shrimp feed waste which is not consumed and influence of other cultivation treatments.

The existence of black mud on the pond bottom can be observed through such means:
  1. Observation to shell shrimps color through periodic sampling and lift net observation. Pond bottom conditions that are dirty and full of mud usually resulted in shrimp shell appearance that tends to color which is darker than normal. At the time of sampling, the pond bottom dirt / mud is usually carried on a cast nets into the pond.

  2. Checking directly into the pond bottom to conduct dives to see the conditions of shrimps and pond bottom.

  3. Observing water outlet channels at carried out pond water circulation time by calculating required time period to remove dirt / mud. In this activity also need to be considered a smoothness level of waters outlet channels on throwing pond waters, if there is blockage so it required continued identification to cause these blockages. Another factor to consider is the existence of a dead shrimp which are carried out with pond waters on the number and condition of the shrimp carcasses so it can be taken of alternative decisions that lead to a harvesting decision or treatment decision.

  4. Observation to pond waters surface when water wheels are not operating. Pond bottom conditions that are dirty and full of mud usually carried out the air bubbles emerging from the pond bottom to the water surface, if on the surface of the pond observed this phenomenon so pond bottom condition is very dirty and full of mud.
Monitoring the condition of pond bottom needs to be performed carefully whether through periodic observation or incidental to the problems that occur can be handled. The serious problem that usually happens is death of shrimps in the pond bottom due to various problems that are not detected. Mortality of shrimps in the pond bottom due to the molting process and is usually found naturally because of the other shrimp cannibalism in the quantity still in the specified tolerance limits. While the shrimps mass death at pond bottom and it is caused by undetected problems, shrimp carcass usually concentrated in the central outlet and at more severe level, shrimp carcasses spread at the pond bottom.

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