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25 April, 2008

Pond Waters Quality Management Concepts 2

Pond waters can be analogous to a 'home' and environment where the shrimps live and conduct its activities and interact with other organisms. Pond water quality management in accordance with conditions and requirements of shrimps, means providing a place to live for the shrimps so their feel living 'at home' within it and can run a normal life with their environment.

In an effort to create such conditions, before preparing a comfortable “home” for the shrimps its need to consider the nature and behavior of shrimps in accordance with water environment and its characteristics, namely, among others;

  1. Demersal. ie life in bottom of waters resulting in water quality management needs to consider pond bottom condition that shrimps need.

  2. Nocturnal. its mean they were active at night so pond waters need to be adjusted with processes of biology, chemistry, physics and ecology that happens within it especially at night.

  3. Negative phototaxis, ie avoid any direct light. This trait is related to management of water transparency that could impede a penetration of light directly.

  4. Canibalism, which is shrimp predation to weaker other shrimp. In an effort to reduce cannibalism occurrence, the pond water should be supported with adequate natural food availability and a pond bottom conditions that allowing for shrimps that are in weak condition for protection from predation

  5. Molting, that is a natural process of shrimp growth in a way to change it shell or in response to drastically environmental changes. Pond water management as much as possible not cause shocks to a balance of water in order to avoid mass molting, because at a time of molting, the shrimps are in a weak and highly susceptible to disease and predation.

  6. Shrimp need level to water quality relative change based on shrimp age.
Ponds water quality management that do not pay attention to the conditions, needs and nature of the shrimps will cause increasing levels of the shrimps 'anxiety' in ponds and always trying to get out of that environment, although water quality is in conformity with used benchmark. In this condition, the shrimps show abnormal behavior than usual as an indicator of water quality incompatibility with the needs of shrimps. Some parameters that can be used as indicators of water quality are as follows:
  1. Pond waters transparency.
  2. Pond waters color.
  3. Waters physic condition.
  4. Pond bottom condition.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thanks for information