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29 July, 2008

Use of Chemical Materials for Pond Water Treatments - 01 – Rationale

In certain conditions, pond water quality management has many constraints which can not be applied cultivation technically optimally to perform the conditions and water quality as expected because of various factors that require treatment in the form of use of chemicals into the waters. Basically, the function of used chemicals is as below:

  1. As a catalyst and boosters of waters formation process, which included into this category are argon, and various types of beneficial bacteria and has been produced industrially. These materials are used in pond waters with a shrimps on relatively good condition, but the process of establishing water quality is very difficult to do so if not handled immediately can lead to serious problems for the shrimps. In addition these materials can also be used in pond waters on less of plankton seeds condition and do not allow for the inoculation of plankton seeds due to certain conditions.

  2. As a disinfectant and sterilizer of waters, which included into this category is potassium permanganate (KMNO3), chlorine (calcium hypochlorite), etc.. These materials are usually used on water shrimp ponds with a condition that has been indicated already infected by a disease, so this treatment is expected to save the shrimps that have not been infected, at the same time doing the sterilization of water from source of problems. Also this material can also be used to create a mass mortality of plankton in pond waters whish is occure plankton booming very fast and difficult to be controlled.
Use of chemicals like mentioned above in its implementation needs to consider of the pond waters condition and a causal link that will generate by such treatment. Decision-making should be based on the premise that in addition to the rationale for some aspects that also need to be considered as a material consideration the use of chemicals in water quality management are as follows:
  1. This treatment can cause shocks to the pond waters, so that if goals, objectives, dosage and timing is not right can make things worse.

  2. This treatment is more directed at shock therapy to improve water quality and shrimp in a short term.

  3. Financially, this treatment requires a high production costs for the certain types of chemicals.

  4. This treatment as much as possible is the last alternative, if as cultivation technically treatments, the waters quality has not changed to the better and if it is not treated quickly can cause serious problems for the shrimps.

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