There are several kinds of water source which is inserted into the pond, depending on a technology and location where a pond is located. Some water sources and commonly used methods in pond water circulation processes, are among others:
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- Sea-waters which is entered directly into a pond with supported by tidal or through tools such as water pumps. This method is used on the ponds that are relatively close to or facing to sea directly and need to pay attention to condition and quality of sea waters before entered into the pond directly. In the ponds which are uses water pump as supported will require a high investment for installation of water pumps which are assembled with water pipes to coastal boundary, whereas in terms of land this means vulnerable to of sea waters erosion to land of pond.
- The river waters which is still brackish and entered directly into the pond with supported by tidal or through tools such as water pumps. This method is commonly used in ponds that are located relatively far from the sea or near the sea and rivers with considerations is the water pump installation are relatively simpler than taking water directly from the sea. This method is prone to sedimentation and pollution of waste stream originating from both households and industries around the river area.
- Reservoir system, which is mapped pond that is created as a reservoir of sea water or river water as water input source to ponds. In this system, the water in a reservoir is usually given a technical treatment before inserted into the pond, so the quality of water that entered already controlled in terms of quantity and quality. This system can be said a ideally method for shrimp culture activities due to water from the sea has been deposited and all factors that harm for shrimp activities have been minimized through technical treatment that has been given.
- Recycle waters system, there is a water recycling process from water outlet channel and recovered into the reservoir through a sterilization process and serve as an water input source to pond. This method commonly used in ponds, which is relatively far from the sea or rivers or in case of sea water and rivers are experiencing the problems so it does not allow for entered into the pond. It can be said his is the most susceptible to problems than some other way, because water disposal which entered back into the pond is a dirty water despite its through sterilization process.
- Design and construction of pond bottom with the waters outlet channels is enable to smooth circulation of pond water and not allowing to cause blockage in the channels.
- The water outlet channels are higher than the lowest tide conditions, so that in pond water disposal process did not experience constraints caused by tidal.
- The water outlet channels must be equipped with door / water pipes of disposal that can be used to adjust drainage of pond bottom, mid and surface water.
- The water outlet channels especially at central part has a filter that can prevent exit / escape shrimps at a time of pond water disposal process.
- The water outlet channels must be separated with a source of pond water input so that no contamination of the water to be used in the cultivation process.
- The water outlet channels as much as possible related to river or particular channels so that dirt and mud of ponds that are discarded can be washed up and not settle in one place which caused water outlet channels sedimentation.
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