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02 August, 2008

Pond Bottom Conditions 03 – Basic of Considerations

In an effort to anticipate the problems which are occur at pond bottom, it is necessary to monitor the pond bottom both incidental as described before and periodically which are by dirt and black mud removal, especially in the central of water outlet with water pumps tools and a hose spiral by sucking the dirt and black mud and it throw through the water outlets.

This activity also should be followed by monitoring mortality rates of shrimps in pond bottom through take shrimp carcasses samples and its quantity that were found to identify the problems as the basis for a decision. Some things to consider before performing this activity are among others:
  1. Condition and quality of shrimps, since removal of black dirt and mud on a regular basis will provide shocks to the stability of water quality which can cause stress to the shrimps. This activity should performed when the shrimp conditions really good with the resistance level to stress is high, whereas when the shrimps in a mass moulting condition, its not expected to perform this activity because the shrimps are on weak condition and resilience to stress levels are relatively low.

  2. Weather conditions at that time it should be on conditions that can support the process of re-establishment of water quality after removal of dirt and mud of pond bottom.

  3. Tidal conditions which are support to smooth of pond waters replacement and removal of black dirt and black.mud into the waters outlet channels.

  4. The re-establishment of water quality ponds that are relatively experienced the shock caused by these activities towards the balance of pond waters ecosystem

  5. Monitoring shrimps condition after performed removal and cleaning activities of pond bottom.
After performed cleaning of pond bottom with the removal of dirt and black mud out of pond should be followed by the provision of soft limestone into the waters with the dose as necessary in order to restore / improve the level of the pond bottom acidity. Granting of this lime can actually be a routine / regular basis in addition to maintaining the acidity of pond is also necessary to support the process of periodically molting shrimps.

Pond bottom conditions which are controlled and monitored properly and carefully in addition to improving water quality will also help when the shrimp will be harvested. Relatively clean pond bottom will facilitate the process of harvesting and it is affected to quality of produced shrimp, on the contrary, pond bottom which is dirty muddy will complicate a process of harvesting and can cause degradation of the quality of produced shrimp. Also pond bottom conditions will also affect the implementation of other cultivation technical programs, especially in decision-making process which is related to treatment or harvesting.

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