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18 July, 2008

Pond Waters Fertilization 1 – Background

An existence of plankton especially type of phytoplankton in pond water ecosystem has a very big role in controlling a stability and productivity of waters that is needed by aquatic organisms within it to perform their life activities.

The role and main functions of plankton (phytoplankton) in the waters that can be used as a basis for consideration of water quality management, are among others:
  1. Phytoplankton are as primary producers in food chains that exist in the waters ecosystem, so its productivity level will affect to waters productivity.

  2. Phytoplankton is one of oxygen suplier through a photosynthesis process with it supported by sunlight that other organisms need to carry on respiration in the waters.

  3. Produced oxygen (O2) which is resulted by phytoplankton can reduce occurrence of chemical process waters that are toxic and harmful to the shrimp and other organisms.

  4. Phytoplankton is a shelter for shrimp that are nocturnal and negative phototaxis.
As already mentioned in the description above, as a plant type, a phytoplankton have chlorophyl that play a role in a photosynthesis process in waters with it is supported by sunlight. Phytoplankton productivity levels are determined by an availability of nutrients which are available in the ponds, both derived from land and waters. In certain conditions, the phytoplankton need supply of nutrients and other substances both organic and inorganic to increase its productivity in the waters.

Pond waters fertilization basically is a technical treatment of cultivation in the form of an organic or inorganic fertilizing and to supply the substances needed by phytoplankton in ponds with a dose according to required level. Pond waters fertilization activities among other aims to:
  1. Regulate and control a level of pond waters transparency needs to be consistent with a shrimp need level.

  2. Regulate and control stability of the plankton in a pond to be consistent with a shrimp need level.

  3. Stimulate plankton seeds growth in the waters under repairing its quality.
The main requirement of conducting pond waters fertilization is availability of plankton seeds and presence of sunlight. Fertilization is conducted at pond waters which it level of plankton seed availability is minimal / none at all, its can cause growth of moss in the ponds or the appearance of camouflage color which is very influential to shrimp conditions or the technical cultivation.

Sunlight is necessary for pond waters fertilization which is to support the plankton photosynthesis process so a supply of fertilizer elements in the waters can be absorbed by plankton and spur to its growth Based on this rationale then a pond water fertilization should be conducted at early morning when the weather clears. In it is not sunny conditions / rainy season weather, a fertilization activities should be performed routinely with an appropriate dose to avoid the mass mortality of planktons caused by high rainfall, so the stability of the pond water will remain intact from collaps condition.

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