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28 August, 2008

Pond Waters Transparency 02 – Transparency Level

The factors underlying a rationale in determining the level of water transparency is water conditions in terms of biology, chemistry and physics for the of shrimp life, there are shown below:

A. Pond Waters Transparency is Too High

In this condition, water quality problems that may arise are:
  1. Low-level water productivity due to very low plankton content.

  2. Interruption in the process of biology, chemistry, physics, resulting in an imbalance in the ecosystem because plankton is the main producer than as a food source also helping continuation of these processes with the supply of oxygen into the waters through it’s photosyntensis activities..

  3. Sunlight penetration to the waters bottom will help the process of oxidation of pond bottom dirt mixed with the carcasses of plankton that rise to pond waters surface. This condition is a formation process of risen-algae and if it is not removed immediately will settle back into the pond bottom and its will rot and very dangerous for shrimps

  4. Potential to grow a moss in the pond and will inhibit a plankton formation and inhibit movement and activity of shrimps.
B. Pond Waters Transparency is Too Low/Concentrated

In this condition, water quality problems that may arise are:
  1. In the daytime, especially on the sunny, oxygen content of waters which is resulted by plankton through photosynthesis process will over quantity and can be dangerous for shrimps when they exceed a threshold.

  2. In the evening will occur competition of oxygen absorption between abundanced plankton with shrimp and other organisms, while also will occur increasing levels of CO2 in the pond waters

  3. Allows growth of aerobic bacteria in the pond bottom that is harmful (pathogens) for shrimps.

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