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29 July, 2008

Pond Waters Quality Management Methods - Concept

Basically, pond water quality management is a program that directs activity at a balance of pond water in an aquatic ecosystem within a limited plot in order to create water conditions that is resemble with a natural habitat of shrimps in terms of its nature, behavior as well as ecological.

Application of water quality management program requires adequate cultivation technical capacity of the perpetrators through used method by several aspects that need to be used as a basic consideration in its application, are among others:
  1. The used method should be referring to the purpose of pond waters management. Mainly, the purpose of this activity is divided into three groups: (a) Keep or maintain water quality, which is in conformity with applicable standards based on field observations and theory, (b) Improving water quality which is not in accordance to a better side; (c) Changing the pond waters, which its can be dangerous for the shrimps with the new waters to create a better water environment in accordance with the conditions and quality of shrimps.

  2. The used method should be right on target according to parameters that will be managed there are: water transparency, pond water color, pond water physical condition and pond bottom conditions. These parameters are requires its own method of approach which still refer to the relation to one another.

  3. The used method must be able to touch root of actual water quality problems. Pond water quality problems can occur because of: (a) Pond internal factors, there are the problems that occur because of one of pond waters ecosystem composer elements disruption; (b) Pond external factors, there are the problems caused by the presence of pond outside influences such as changes in weather which caused the stability of waters shaken, and (c) treatment error factor that is the problem that occurred due to cultivation technical treatment errors..
Basic considerations as described above is aimed for the used methods application in the management of water quality can be run effectively and efficiently both cultivation technically as well as financial calculations. Some of the methods commonly used in water quality management, are among others:
  1. Water circulation
  2. Water fertilization
  3. Water inoculation
  4. Use of chemicals (not recommended)
The above methods in its application can not stand alone and have a relation to one another depending on the urgency level, and priority scale of the cultivation technical treatment to be implemented based on the observation and identification of purposes in the field. Pond water quality management method that is conducted separately will result in aquatic ecosystem balance is disrupted so that it can cause a new problem which is more complex.

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