Indonesia as a tropical nation has two seasons in one year, namely (i) the rainy season and (ii) the dry season. Both seasons are very influential on shrimp farming systems primarily associated with the technical cultivation. In this discussion will be elaborated on the need to alert the rainy season in shrimp culture activities, because at this moment in Indonesia ongoing rainy season.
Some things to watch out during the rainy season associated with the technical cultivation, among others;
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- Pond water quality stability level. In rainy season, water quality tends to be unstable and fluctuate, and in extreme conditions of water quality will decline drastically. As described in the foregoing discussion, water quality closely with plankton activity (phytoplankton) in conducted photosynthesis to produce chlorophyll (green leaf substance) that is very useful in balancing the water ecosystem of the area. Photosynthesis activity by plankton (phytoplankton) is heavily dependent by the presence of sunlight, whereas in the rainy season the intensity of sunlight in the pond waters are relatively low so that water quality tends to be unstable. At very high rainfall, even the common phenomenon of "plankton collapse", ie plankton in the pond waters experiencing "mass death". On the condition of pond water quality unstable, shrimp will be very easy to experience stress and are vulnerable to various threats of disease.
- Source of water intake (inlet). In Indonesia are generally the source of water intake (inlet) used for the circulation of pond water is water taken directly from the sea or large river. In the rainy season water intake source is relatively muddy and dirty because of erosion and debris carried by the flow of sea water or river. Water conditions like this, if used directly in the process of pond water circulation will affect the water quality is the existence of particles in the pond waters. Conditions like these can lead to red gill disease in shrimp.
- Feeding program. In the rainy season, feeding programs (mainly related to the daily diet) is usually disrupted either given frequency and the feed distribution level in the pond. Such conditions are more related to the attitude and discipline of the officer giving the feed, because usually a person tends to laziness and casual in giving the feed in rainy conditions. Changes in feeding frequency and the unequal distribution of food can indirectly result in the size of size of shrimp variation rate will vary and in extreme conditions can worsen the condition of the shrimp.
- Intensive fertilization. In the rainy season, fertilizer should be done more often to keep plankton (phytoplankton) stability in the pond waters. The important thing to remember is better to give the amount of fertilizer that is not too much but routinely done rather than giving large doses of fertilizer in the event of plankton collapse. Besides the maximum advantage of sunlight to do this fertilizer.
- Water wheel operation optimally. This treatment is necessary to optimize the fertilization process has been conducted in order to help maintain stability plankton (phytoplankton). Water wheel operation is also necessary to maintain the condition of the pond in order to avoid vast differences between the surface (caused by rain water) and water in the pond bottom layer. In addition to operation of the water wheel also add oxygen supply in the water because at rain the oxygen produced by plankton photosynthesis process drastically reduced.
- Oplos water circulation. Oplos understanding is that the water circulation through how to dispose of the contents simultaneously. Methods such as water circulation are also necessary to maintain the condition of the pond in order to avoid vast differences between the surface (caused by rain water) and water in the pond bottom layer. If the source of water intake (inlet) in cloudy conditions / gross, for a while do not do water circulation.
- Strict monitoring schedule and way of feeding especially during the rainy.
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