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28 August, 2010

Do not Perform Your Shrimp Pond to Be an Aquarium

As described in previous discussions, the shrimp farming as technically is closely related to water quality management. In this discussion, the dominant factor of water quality is the transparency of a pond waters.

Ideally, the transparency of pond waters in one period is penetrate to pond bottom / high transparency level (in the early of the first month phase) until the transparency to 30 cm - 45 cm at the time of entering the second month phase until the shrimp are considered worthy to be harvested (upon implementation, the level of water transparency should still pay attention to the needs of the shrimp.

The above concept in its application often does not match the expected idealism caused by external factors and internal factors. One of the frequently encountered phenomenons related to these conditions is the transparency of the pond waters are difficult to be formed especially in the first months phase so that the pond water looks clear like an aquarium. In this condition, the life and activities of shrimp (including other biota) will be very clear to see.

The phenomena of shrimp pond such as an aquarium (at first months phase) can occur for a variety of factors, among others:
  1. Fry stocking land preparation was done by inadequate, so the prepared pond waters ponds are less / not contain the seeds of plankton as a determining factor to the transparency of the pond waters.

  2. A growth of moss on pond waters when the water transparency level conditions are still difficult to form. The moss will flourish because supported by a penetration of sunlight to the pond bottom.

  3. A growth of aquatic biota as a plankton feeder (usually the type of shellfish). Plankton feeder will consume plankton in these waters for significantly so that its will reduce populations of plankton.

  4. The condition of pond water source at the time is very minimal content plankton seeds so it is not able to supply seeds of plankton into the pond waters.

  5. When the condition of no. 1 to no. 4 above, the cultivation technical treatment in the form of fertilizer in order to stimulate plankton growth will be in vain. Continuous fertilizer on these conditions will only make the moss becomes more fertile and in certain condition it can come up with the phenomenon of plankton camouflage, i.e. greenish pond water as if there has been growth of plankton, but in fact these waters is no contain plankton seed anymore.

  6. At the time of pond waters is difficult to set up, it can cause shrimp pond such as aquarium.
Shrimp pond conditions such as an aquarium on a long term significant impact on the shrimp uniformity level. Shrimp populations in these conditions will result in highly variable of uniformity shrimp level, thus its will cause the decline of the shrimp population indirectly due to cannibalism process undertaken by larger shrimps prey on smaller sized shrimps.

The alternative cultivation technical treatments that can be conducted to overcome the above issues are among others:
  1. Stop the fertilizer at the time of pond waters indicated have not plankton seeds.

  2. Perform cleaning of the moss and plankton feeder biota manually until both of the populations considered to be reduced significantly

  3. Perform a process of replacing of the pond waters in large volumes. In an effort to reduce the shocks to the waters, the process of replacing of this water should be conducted through water circulation with process of water input and water output conducted at a time, but its conditioned to the volume of output waters is greater than the volume of water input.

  4. Perform the process of no. 3 above to low pond water levels.

  5. Perform plankton seed inoculation process from other ponds that contain seeds plankton considered stable and well into the plot of a pond that will be grown its plankton seeds. Plankton seeds inoculation process can be done with supported by a water hose tool (the discussion related to water inoculation has been described in previous discussions.

  6. During water inoculation process, perform fertilizer to spur the plankton seeds growth that had been inoculated.

  7. Make the process of no. 5 and no. 6 mentioned above until the condition of the pond waters indicated has grown its plankton seeds accompanied by a waterwheel operation optimally.

  8. Perform a process of adding the pond water volume gradually until at a certain height, so that the plankton seeds which are begin to grow is not shaken.

  9. Perform a careful monitoring to plankton seeds growth in the pond waters.

The processes mentioned above should be carried out during fine weather conditions in order to maximize the growth of plankton seeds with accelerated by sunlight. The above discussion is expected to be used as a basic understanding by the perpetrators of shrimp farming, in order not to let the pond shrimp like as an aquarium, so all kinds of life and activities of organisms that exist in it can be seen clearly.

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