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02 March, 2009

Management of Shrimp Farming in the First Months Phase 04 – Pond Waters Environment Issues

In the foregoing discussion has described the explanation related to the management of shrimp culture in the first months phase. In general, goal of that management is to provide a medium of pond water environment which is according to the need level of fries / small shrimps.

Specifically, the management objective is to reduce the occurrence of such problems as minimum as possible occurrence of a problem that can be detrimental to the process of shrimp culture in that period. In previous discussions have also been described that in general the raised issues in a pond waters can be caused by the presence of 3 (three) factors, there are:
  1. External factors, namely the problems caused by factors originating from outside the pond water environment such as: (i) climate and weather, and (ii) environmental waters resources in the around the pond.

  2. Internal factors, namely the problems caused by factors originating from within the pond water itself. This factor arises because there is a change in the pond waters, thus resulting in disturbance of the balance of pond water ecosystem itself.

  3. Treatment error factors, namely the problems caused by human error factor in applying a cultivation technical treat thus causing a problem in the pond waters.
Referring to the above descriptions, then in the management of shrimp culture in the first months phase is related to the problems that may occur in these phase. Some common problems that occur in the first months phase of the shrimp culture were also largely caused by external factors, internal factors and treatment error factors. If viewed from the characteristics of the first months phase of shrimp culture, then the observation of the symptoms of problems that will arise also needs to be done as carefully as possible so that problems can be detected early so as not to become a more serious obstacle to the next management stages.

The problems that can occur in the first months phase of shrimp culture in the discussion will be reviewed based on problems that occur in (i) pond waters environment, and (ii) condition / quality of fries / small shrimps

Pond water environmental problems in the first months phase, are among others:
  1. The growth of moss in pond bottom. This problem is caused by the transparency of the pond waters relatively high and occurs in a long time so the sunlight can penetrate to the bottom of ponds in a relatively long period of time as well. This is the major factor triggers growth of moss. The presence of this moss will cause the formation of water transparency is more difficult. Situations like this will also indirectly affect the condition of fries / small shrimps inside waters.

    An alternative handling to this problem is growing up / clean up to moss in pond bottom prior, then continued with the process of water formation together with fertilizer until the water transparency is obtained as expected. (The discussion related to water quality management process has been described in previous discussions). Note: over the pond waters transparency is still high, immediately stop providing fertilizer because it would fertilize the moss in pond bottom.

  2. The emergence of certain types of shellfish in the pond bottom. The availability of these shells is very influential on the formation process of the transparency of the pond waters. Problems and alternatives handling caused by the shells is similar to handling problems and caused by moss. (The discussion related to water quality management process has been described in previous discussions).

  3. The emergence of "algae" on surface of pond waters. This phenomenon occurs because the process of oxidation in the bottom of ponds, which are also managed by the support of sunlight (ponds waters transparency is very hig/penetrate to pond bottom) so at certain times, dirts in pond bottom will be raised to the surface of the waters. Problems and alternatives handling caused by the “surface-algae” is similar to handling problems and caused by moss. (The discussion related to “surface-algae” has been described in previous discussions).

  4. The emergence of predators and competitors in the pond waters. This phenomenon is caused more by lack of filtering the water intake channels so that the seeds of predators and competitors can freely enter into the pond. These factors can affect to the density / population of shrimps in that time period. (The discussion related to predators and competitors has been described in previous discussions).
The problems mentioned above are some common problems that occur in the first months phase related to the condition / quality of pond waters. The possibility of emergence of these problems can be reduced as minimal as possible if the process of preparation of fries stocking can be done carefully and optimal or in other words, land preparation to fries stocking is not done carelessly

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