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27 November, 2008

Preparation of Cultivation Land for Shrimp Seeds 02 – Stages and Methods

As described in the foregoing discussion, preparation of cultivation land for shrimp seeds basically can be categorized into 2 (two) types of activities, there are: (i) Post-harvest land management, and (ii) Preparation of cultivation land for shrimp seeds.

As an activity carried out after the phase of shrimp harvested in the previous period, then the applied methods in land preparation activities also needs to consider the type of shrimp harvested the previous period on the same ponds. Type of shrimp harvested in general can be categorized into types of normal harvest and troubled harvest shrimp (getting certain types of diseases).

In general, the stages and methods used in cultivation land preparation are as follows:

A. Stage of Post-harvest Land Management

At this stage the usual activities includes:
  1. Sterilization was conducted specifically for that troubled harvest pond. The purpose of this activity is to minimize the influence of the remnants of seeds disease for shrimps which are cultivated on next period. At this stage the sub activities that can be done includes: (i) cleaning of pond bottom from remaining carcass of the troubled shrimps, (ii) Removal of mud from the bottom and a central of pond water outlet, (iii) Flushing of pond bottom and a central of pond water outlet, (iv) Water input on low height, and (v) drying of the pond.

    Associated with flushing of pond bottom and a central of pond water outlet, a method can be used is through a continuous water circulation (water outlet were opened) so that the central of pond bottom are relatively clean. While the water input with a low height is to facilitate the provision of chlorine treatment with certain doses especially in the central of pond water outlet channels.

  2. Cleaning of pond bottom to land preparation of post- normal harvest. The purpose of this activity is the first step to provide pond water environment as a convenient medium for the shrimp seeds which are previously lived in different environments. At this stage the sub activities that can be done includes: (i) cleaning of the harvested shrimp remains, (ii) cleaning of central of pond water outlet. The used method in this sub-phase is relatively the same as item no. 1 above, the difference is use of chlorine or other disinfectants. For land preparation of post- normal harvest density its recommend the use of chemicals such as minimum as possible or if need be avoided because it will affect the level of soil fertility in the next period.

  3. Drying of pond. At this sub-stage the usual activities carried out includes: (i) reversal of soil, (ii) soil liming, and (iii) pond drying.

    Reversal of soil activity aims to restore nutrients in the soil that support for the productivity of pond waters. This activity can be done through a method of soil surface layer removal first and then do the reversal of soil.

    Soil liming activities aimed at reducing the level of soil acidity to match the level of shrimp need. This activity can be done by granting a certain dose of lime to the pond bottom evenly

    Pond drying activities aims to help a land oxidation process for support the productivity of pond waters for the next cultivation period.

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