In the previous discussion has described that water source of shrimp pond which is used mainly from sea water and river water. A condition and quality of water source will determine the condition and quality of pond water at a moment. Based on this matter, the pond water quality management activities should include monitoring the water source of shrimp pond as a basis for a decision making related to the technical treatment will be applied.
Seawater and river water as a common water any time could change related to its conditions and quality caused by surrounding environmental factor, weather, climate or human activities on these waters. The Changes that occur in sea water and river water if not monitored carefully can cause problems for shrimp farming especially for pond water quality management activities. Changes in water quality will cause the shock of ponds water quality as well as shocks to the shrimp within it.
Monitoring activities of water sources of shrimp pond should be performed at least once a day. This activity can be done through visual observation against any possible changes that occur in sea water or river compared with the previous condition. A conditions that should really pay attention is if happen a very drastic change accompanied by changes in behavior of some biota of these water (the biota seen floating on water surface even at extreme conditions seen many dead biota). This condition indicates there has been an extreme change in water quality that caused mortality for aquatic biota. In this condition should not be carried out water input activity to the pond until the condition and quality of sea water or river back to normal.
Based on the above description it can be said that the activities of monitoring the quality of source water is as important as pond water quality management activities itself. In an effort to anticipate the negative impact caused by a change in the quality of sea water or river, hence should be avoided conduct sea / river water input into the pond directly. As an effort to get the water input that can be controlled of its quality, then in shrimp farming, technically should be provided a water reservoir.
A philosophy that needs to kept in mind is the shrimp comes from the sea, look at the changes that happen at sea ... then observe the changes what will happen on shrimp
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Seawater and river water as a common water any time could change related to its conditions and quality caused by surrounding environmental factor, weather, climate or human activities on these waters. The Changes that occur in sea water and river water if not monitored carefully can cause problems for shrimp farming especially for pond water quality management activities. Changes in water quality will cause the shock of ponds water quality as well as shocks to the shrimp within it.
Monitoring activities of water sources of shrimp pond should be performed at least once a day. This activity can be done through visual observation against any possible changes that occur in sea water or river compared with the previous condition. A conditions that should really pay attention is if happen a very drastic change accompanied by changes in behavior of some biota of these water (the biota seen floating on water surface even at extreme conditions seen many dead biota). This condition indicates there has been an extreme change in water quality that caused mortality for aquatic biota. In this condition should not be carried out water input activity to the pond until the condition and quality of sea water or river back to normal.
Based on the above description it can be said that the activities of monitoring the quality of source water is as important as pond water quality management activities itself. In an effort to anticipate the negative impact caused by a change in the quality of sea water or river, hence should be avoided conduct sea / river water input into the pond directly. As an effort to get the water input that can be controlled of its quality, then in shrimp farming, technically should be provided a water reservoir.
A philosophy that needs to kept in mind is the shrimp comes from the sea, look at the changes that happen at sea ... then observe the changes what will happen on shrimp
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