The used methods in the management of pond waters transparency are water circulation and fertilizer by considering plankton seed and sunlight factors. Used water circulation in the process of pond waters dilution with water transparency level that is too low / concentrated namely the continuous pond waters replacement without fertilization to obtain a desired transparency level.
Circulation method can also be used to maintain the transparency level that was appropriate with the aim to replace dead planktons with new seedlings accompanied by fertilizing to spur the growth of plankton seeds.
At the pond water with transparency level is too high / translucent to bottom, a used method is continuous water circulation with the aim to replace pond waters in large volumes then replaced with new water sources in hopes to supply plankton seedlings to develop in the ponds accompanied by fertilizing to obtain a desired transparency level. In certain case, water transparency level is difficult to manage caused by the plankton seed availability is minimal or nonexistent. In this condition, can be used a method of pond water replacement in large volumes as gradually through a continuous water circulation process accompanied by inoculation of plakton seeds from other ponds which have the desired seed plankton. In an effort to spur the growth of plankton seed that are resulted from inoculation it needs to be balanced with fertilization until obtained the standard water transparency.
One other factor that plays an important role in the management of water transparency is the weather and the season which is happening in the pond area. In sunny weather with high intensity of sunlight watertransparency is relatively easily formed and stable. The important thing to note in this condition is an attempt to maintain the water transparency level that has been formed, because there is a tendency toward plankton booming which it can direct the pond waters on the transparency level is too low / concentrated.
While the weather with the sun low intensity level or in the rainy season, water transparency tends to unstable. This condition is caused due to frequent occurrence of plankton mortality caused by occurred rainfall and inhibition of plankton photosynthesis activity on low intensity of sunlight. The things that need attention in this condition is an effort to maintain the pond waters transparency level that has been formed, because there is the likelihood of plankton collapse which can result in pond waters ecosystem experiencing shocks. Intensivity reduction of water circulation coupled with regular fertilizing activities with an appropriate dose is one way to overcome this condition.
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Circulation method can also be used to maintain the transparency level that was appropriate with the aim to replace dead planktons with new seedlings accompanied by fertilizing to spur the growth of plankton seeds.
At the pond water with transparency level is too high / translucent to bottom, a used method is continuous water circulation with the aim to replace pond waters in large volumes then replaced with new water sources in hopes to supply plankton seedlings to develop in the ponds accompanied by fertilizing to obtain a desired transparency level. In certain case, water transparency level is difficult to manage caused by the plankton seed availability is minimal or nonexistent. In this condition, can be used a method of pond water replacement in large volumes as gradually through a continuous water circulation process accompanied by inoculation of plakton seeds from other ponds which have the desired seed plankton. In an effort to spur the growth of plankton seed that are resulted from inoculation it needs to be balanced with fertilization until obtained the standard water transparency.
One other factor that plays an important role in the management of water transparency is the weather and the season which is happening in the pond area. In sunny weather with high intensity of sunlight watertransparency is relatively easily formed and stable. The important thing to note in this condition is an attempt to maintain the water transparency level that has been formed, because there is a tendency toward plankton booming which it can direct the pond waters on the transparency level is too low / concentrated.
While the weather with the sun low intensity level or in the rainy season, water transparency tends to unstable. This condition is caused due to frequent occurrence of plankton mortality caused by occurred rainfall and inhibition of plankton photosynthesis activity on low intensity of sunlight. The things that need attention in this condition is an effort to maintain the pond waters transparency level that has been formed, because there is the likelihood of plankton collapse which can result in pond waters ecosystem experiencing shocks. Intensivity reduction of water circulation coupled with regular fertilizing activities with an appropriate dose is one way to overcome this condition.
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