At discussion before there have been mentioned that knowledge concerning parameter of shrimp feed quality is a matter which important to know by shrimp farming actors, because the feed is a biggest contributor of shrimp farming production cost.
Factually, there are many alternative choices that offered by producers of industrial scale shrimp feed to shrimp farming (especially on intensive scale shrimp farming). The some alternative choices indirectly need a basic knowledge’s concerning with understanding to know the shrimp feed quality practically.
That basic knowledge’s is a base for decision making to determine product/brand of shrimp feed to be used on shrimp culture process. The decision making which do not based on adequate knowledge can result a financial advantage level of shrimp farming will not optimal. At discussion before have been explained that some practical parameters which able to be used in shrimp feed examination are: (i) nutrients content, (ii) solubility level of shrimp feed in water, and (iii) feed aroma. That parameters, the practically also can be examined directly in field and its result can used as base for determining quality and suitability level of a product/brand of shrimp feed which to be used.
Mainly, examination activity to know quality of shrimp feed distinguishable on 2 (two) kinds there are:
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Factually, there are many alternative choices that offered by producers of industrial scale shrimp feed to shrimp farming (especially on intensive scale shrimp farming). The some alternative choices indirectly need a basic knowledge’s concerning with understanding to know the shrimp feed quality practically.
That basic knowledge’s is a base for decision making to determine product/brand of shrimp feed to be used on shrimp culture process. The decision making which do not based on adequate knowledge can result a financial advantage level of shrimp farming will not optimal. At discussion before have been explained that some practical parameters which able to be used in shrimp feed examination are: (i) nutrients content, (ii) solubility level of shrimp feed in water, and (iii) feed aroma. That parameters, the practically also can be examined directly in field and its result can used as base for determining quality and suitability level of a product/brand of shrimp feed which to be used.
Mainly, examination activity to know quality of shrimp feed distinguishable on 2 (two) kinds there are:
- Examination to shrimp feed as product to be used on shrimp culture process. The objective of this activity is to assess suitability level of shrimp as an industrial scale product which produced by producer.
- Examination to shrimp feed as object to be consumed by shrimp in pond water. The objective of this activity is to assess requirement accomplishment of shrimp to feed pursuant to food habit and feeding habit.
- See composition and content of nutrients which written at outside package of the shrimp feed. In order to get comparison of result, hence this activity better conducted for several shrimp feed brands at sameness number/ size of shrimp feed.
Besides composition and content of nutrients, hence needed matter to see at shrimp feed package are produce code and expired date. To know the code meaning better be discussed with technician /marketing official from shrimp feed producer, because each producer have different produce code and expired date one another.
- See physical condition from shrimp feed. This activity aim to know do the shrimp feed as physically relative still well or lack. If as physically the condition of shrimp have seen lack hence the feed shall not be used because it have already decomposed process, though pursuant to produce code of shrimp feed not yet passed the expired date.
- Smelt aroma to the feed. This activity aim to know do the feed as aromatic still competent used. If the shrimp feed to be used have smelt rancid, hence be like item no. 2 above the feed shall not be used because it have already decomposed process, though pursuant to produce code of shrimp feed not yet passed the expired date.
- Examine texture hardness level of the feed with pushing to feed by using two fingers (also it can by nipping the feed). If the feed felt stringent, hence the feed is better not used because it worried that the feed will not be consumed by the shrimp so that feed will become useless within pond water.
- Examine solubility level of shrimp feed in water. This activity can be conducted by putting down the sample feed in transparent glass/ media which containing water. Monitor and count how long required time of shrimp feed to be dissolved in water. If shrimp feed have ever been dissolved relative quickly (less in half hour), hence worried that feed is no time consumed by the shrimp because it have already ever been dissolved in water. On the contrary if the feed is too long to dissolve in water (more than 3 – 4 hours), hence worried the feed is not consumed by shrimp because the feed texture is too hard. (This activity is especially conducted to feed which have pellet size).
- Examine the feed aroma. This activity aim to know the interesting level of shrimp to sense of feed aroma which given. This activity can be conducted at pond wall that is by spreading feed samples in boundary/wall of pond. If the shrimp seen moving to the feed immediately, hence as aromatic the feed is competent to be used. On the contrary if shrimp is not seen moving to the feed immediately hence the feed is not competent to be used (note: this activity can be conducted at a time of shrimp condition and population quality at pond relative good).
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