Provision of natural feed for shrimp is mostly done on a traditional shrimp culture pattern with a characteristic low-density and use of cultivation technology was minimal. Feeding program on the cultivation of this pattern is more depend and rely on natural feed availability in the pond, while use of artificial feed limited on their own made feed with frequency of feeding is very limited.
In ponds with intensive pattern with a relatively high density and use of advanced farming technology, natural feed supply is more emphasized on age of fry. Activities are conducted through optimally land preparation that allows growth of zooplankton or other microorganisms that serve as natural feed for fry in the pond waters. Availability of natural feed in the ponds, which are expected to generate sufficient high level of shrimp life on fry age.
The types of natural feed that grown or developed in the ponds commonly includes:
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The types of natural feed that grown or developed in the ponds commonly includes:
- Zooplankton especially from the type diatomae. This biota can be observed in its appearance through visual observation into the pond or in a laboratory observation. This natural feed type is more widely consumed by the fries or the small shrimps.
- Type of moss, mainly from the “intestine” moss species. Natural feed of this type is intended for adult/ big shrimp. One thing to note is that appearance of moss in the pond needs to be controlled carefully so that its density does not cause serious problems for the shrimp and water quality. Type of moss that can grow in the pond there are some harmful such as “hair” moss species. The method can be used in the development of moss in the pond is by putting moss on some wire transects or timber and then placed evenly in the waters with the aim to facilitate the control of moss populations through the transect.
- Types of Shellfishes/mollusks, Lmainly from barnacle species, anadara, and green mussel. Like moss, its appearance and development of this bivalve species need to be controlled carefully because this biota is as plankton feeder so that it can affect the process of establishing water quality.
- Rebon (Indonesian terminology = kind of small shrimp). This biota usually appears naturally within the pond through a channel of water entry at certain seasons.
- Litter and detritus, there are pond sewage, which come from the leaves of plans around ponds that fall in and drown in the pond bottom
- Carcass / Wreck of water biota in the pond bottom. This type of feed is more likely as a natural process within the pond and there is a small scale and nature of incidental.
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