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20 June, 2008

Shrimp Disease: White Spot Syndrome – 03 – Base of Decision Making

The discussion of white spot like already explained before, it was a basic knowledge of white spot disease. At field implementation (shrimp culture management), this knowledge is needed to possess by shrimp culturists viewed from scientific side.

Practically, the other knowledge which need to understand are: (i) how to minimize probability of virus attack/infect to shrimp within pond, and (ii) decision making if the shrimps within pond are already infected by virus.

There are no available treatments for WSS, although a large number of disinfectants are widely used in shrimp farms and hatcheries to prevent an outbreak. To minimize probability of virus attack/infect to shrimp within pond, the treatment approaches which can used are:
  1. Stocking of uninfected shrimp seeds/fry. This approach is a method to minimize a vertical transmission (from infected mother prawns). The discussion related with fry selection can viewed here.
  2. Creating of equally pond water ecosystem. This approach is a method to avoid unequally environmental that can make stress to shrimps. At stress condition, the shrimp is very susceptible
  3. Creating of shrimp culture treatment to “we follow the shrimps, not the shrimps follow us” condition. Like on item 2 above, this approach is a method to avoid environmental stressor. The discussion related with this approach can viewed here.

    Item no. 2 and no. 3 are the approach to minimize horizontal transmission of the virus through oral ingestion and water borne routes in farms.
The other knowledge which needs to understand is a decision making if the shrimps within pond are already infected by virus. Based on present conditions which there are no available treatments for white spot, so a decision making is fine to direct on harvesting decision as soon as possible. It is to minimize a financial loss profit. The logical basics of this decision are:
  1. The virus has a wide host range and is highly virulent and leads to mass mortality within days. This condition can reason decreasing shrimps biomass rapidly, if too late to harvest so it will affect on financial profit which can be obtained.

  2. The white spot will affect to shrimps quality, if too late to harvest so it can make shrimps quality become down at low quality, so this condition will affect to shrimp price and financial profit.
The logical basics like mentioned above are matters which need to notice as base of decision making if the shrimps within pond are already infected by virus. As a profit oriented business, decision making at shrimp culture must refer how to optimize financial profit which can be obtained.

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