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12 May, 2008

Shrimp Feces as Indicator of Shrimp Condition

Shrimp feces is one of parameters that can be used as an indicator of shrimp condition especially related to appetite and health conditions of the shrimps. Shrimp feces observation can conducted when we checking ancho (lift net) along with controlling feeding program (to determine shrimp consumption level against the feed).

Both these events (the observation of shrimp feces, and feed control program) are two interrelated things to know to what extent feed influence on shrimp consumption level and condition.

Generally, shrimp feces can be observed through a visual observation of the shape and color from shrimp feces. Both of these parameters (shape and color of shrimp feces) can be used as an indicator of shrimp consumption level and shrimp health condition at that time. Based on the shape of shrimp feces and their correlation to the condition of the shrimp, in practice, are as follows.
  1. Shrimp feces are elongated, solid and not broken. This condition indicates that the digestive system of shrimp is still in normal condition and shrimp appetite in good condition.

  2. Shrimp feces are intermittent-shaped and solid. This condition indicates that the shrimp digestive system and shrimp appetite are little interference with normal shrimp condition.

  3. Shrimp feces-shaped discontinuous, with a mixture of dense texture and slimy. This condition indicates that disturbances had occurred in the digestive tract or it can be said shrimp already infected by a disease

  4. Overall shrimp feces-shaped are slimy. This condition indicates that the shrimp had been infected disease with severe stage, in addition to shrimp feed was not consume feed at all.
Another parameter that can be used in shrimp feces observations to assess the shrimp condition is color of shrimp feces. Shrimp feces color is closely related to a type of food that had eaten by shrimp at a certain time. Broadly speaking, the color of shrimp feces and their correlation to the type of food has been eaten, practically as the following:
  1. Shrimp feces are dark/blackness. This indicates that the shrimp still consume natural food, or in other words, the availability of natural food in pond waters are still sufficient for shrimp.

  2. Shrimp feces are brown tends to dark brown. This indicates that the shrimp had consumed artificial feed / pellets.

  3. Shrimp feces are yellow tend to be reddish. This indicates that the shrimp had consumed the carcass of shrimp or other biota in these waters, or in other words within the waters of these ponds have been shrimp mass mortality.
The two parameters that can be used in shrimp feces observations like the above on its application in the field can combined between the two to get an accurate conclusions related to condition of the shrimp at the time. If found abnormal indications associated with appetite and health of the shrimp, a decision can be taken is to review feeding program that has been applied, in the case of infected shrimp indicated a serious problem then a decision should be based on harvesting by taking into account production costs and rates advantage to be gained at that time.

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