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02 June, 2008

Hepatopancreas as Indicator of Shrimp Conditions

At one cycle of cultivation, in particular the shrimp can go through decreasing of its conditions and quality caused by natural factors (climate changes, environment) and a factor derived from shrimp body itself (molting process). In this condition, a symptom that usually emerges is the shrimp decrease in appetite or in a more severe condition the shrimp have been infected with certain diseases.

The decrease in appetite for shrimp is an indication to consider, because if it is not immediately treated could cause serious problems for the shrimp. The decrease in appetite will make the shrimp digestive organs in an empty condition and subsequently can lead to shrinkage of shrimp hepatopancreas, so on a weak condition its can cause shrimp susceptible to problems.

Hepatopancreas can be equated with a gastric of shrimp. This is central of the digestive organ of shrimp and it located in shrimp head, in normal condition its form is triangle-shaped and brownish color. Through visual observation of hepatopancreas identifiable to condition and quality of shrimp related to appetite. In certain cases this organ also can to identify a severity of a problem that infects to shrimp. The normal condition of shrimp hepatopancreas is illustrated in the picture below.

Similar to the shrimp feces observations, a general assessment of the shrimp hepatopancreas can be observed visually through the observation to the shape and color from the shrimp hepatopancreas. Both of these parameters (shape and color of shrimp hepatopancreas) can be used as an indicator of shrimp consumption level and shrimp health condition at that time. Based on the shapes and colors of shrimp hepatopancreas and their correlation to the condition of shrimp, in a practical way are as follows;
  1. Hepatopancreas of shrimp is triangle-shaped form and solid and brown. This condition indicates that the digestive system of shrimp is still in normal condition and appetite shrimp in good condition.

  2. Hepatopancreas of shrimp is triangle-shaped form but has experienced shrinkage in size and it colorful mix of brown and blue. This condition indicates that that have occurred disturbances in the digestive or it can be said that shrimp already infected by a disease.

  3. Form of shrimp hepatopancreas has shrunk, with a mixture texture between solid and slimy and has whitish-blue color. This condition indicates that the shrimp had been infected by a disease with a severe stage, apart from that shrimp was not consumed feed at all.
The three parameters that can be used in the shrimp hepatopancreas observation as described above, in its application in the field can combined between all of their to get relatively accurate conclusions related to the shrimp condition at the time. If found abnormally indications associated with appetite and health of the shrimp a decision can be taken is to review feeding program that has been applied. In case of shrimp indicate infected by a serious problem then a decision should be based on harvesting by taking into account production costs and rates advantage to be gained at that time.

Shrimp hepatopancreas conditions can be observed directly by opening this organ through the head or the visual observation under sunlight / other light source.

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1 comment:

anil kumar said...

we want clarification about white feacal matter of shrimp