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01 February, 2008

Shrimp Farming Area Development (1) – Macro Area Approach (Land)

Shrimp farming areas development planning will need to consider aspects of the territory of its environmental constraints around which the shrimp farming area is located to avoid any conflicts of interest and barriers that may arise in the implementation of subsequent activities.

Some aspects to be considered among other:
  1. Ownership status of land for shrimp farming development should be clear on property rights, customary rights, lease rights, etc.);

  2. Land not in dispute or conflict;

  3. Climate and local weather conditions are relatively suitable for shrimp culture activities and do not have a high level of fluctuation;

  4. Condition of both topography and geomorphology is a condition that allows for the shrimp farming development;

  5. The shrimp farming development as far as possible not to damage existing ecosystems in the surrounding environment;

  6. Shrimp farming area is an area that should be relatively far from residential environment, industry, agriculture, etc.

  7. Shrimp farming area be supported by the existence of a relatively large river as a place of cultivation of waste disposal.
Some aspects of the above is a consideration maters before determining the planning and design of ponds based on the feasibility of regional development. The approach was also based on local policy, customary law and other policies associated with these activities.

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  1. Shrimp Culture Area Development - (6) - Socio-Community Approach
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  5. Shrimp Culture Area Development - (2) - Area Approach (Macro) - Water Resources
  6. Arrangement of Partnership on Shrimp Culture Development Program - Logical Frame Work
  7. Partnership System Concept on Shrimp Culture - (2) - Logical Basic
  8. PPartnership System Concept on Shrimp Culture - (1) - Background

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