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11 May, 2010

Shrimp Culture News of The Month - 07

ShAD: Important Step Towards Global Shrimp Aquaculture Standard

Shrimp Aquaculture Dialogue (ShAD) Forum holds a two-day meeting in Jakarta to obtain public comments on Global Shrimp Aquaculture Standard draft.This meeting is a part of public comment stage, which was started formally on 1 March 2010.

The comments from the public are really needed to ensure that the approved final document meet the needs to deal with the shrimp aquaculture’s environmental and social negative impacts.

“Indonesia’s participation in this Shrimp Aquaculture Dialogue forum is very important in achieving our target of environmentally-friendly shrimp aquaculture products,” said Indonesian Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries’ Director General of Aquaculture Fisheries, Dr. Made L. Nurdjana, in his opening remarks.

As one of the biggest aquaculture shrimp producers in the world, Indonesia really needs to be involved in the process towards shrimp aquaculture standardisation. Based on the Indonesian government’s policy for optimum production, the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries has set the target of 74.75 production increment from 400,000 tonnes to 699,000 tonnes for 2010-2014. The target will be met through intensive aquaculture practices to avoid further environmental destructions due to mangrove conversion for aquaculture businesses.

According to WWF-Indonesia Aquaculture Programme Coordinator Cut Desyana, the Shrimp Aquaculture Dialogue is an important forum for global and Indonesia shrimp aquaculture industry, "The importing countries in Europa and America really need products which meet the environmental and social criteria. This Shrimp Aquaculture Dialogue is expected to produce the much awaited environmental and social standard.”

She added, the shrimp aquaculture’s impacts will be much more measurable through this standard. Furthermore, by implementing the standard, Indonesian shrimp products will be of good quality and have minimum impacts to the environment, biodiversity and local communities.

WWF-Indonesia Marine Program Director Wawan Ridwan reiterated WWF’s commitment in safeguarding the Standard’s drafting process, “WWF is really serious in mainstreaming the process. We are aware of the importance of protecting our precious natural resources as well as meeting the needs for increasing the revenue of aquaculture fishery products. Hence, preparing and meeting the Standard are important steps to ensure that Indonesian products have the highest economic value in the global market,” he said.

The Shrimp Aquaculture Standard will become the first global standard which is resulted from an open and transparent process which meets the international guide to standardisation process developed by the International Social and Environmental Accreditation and Labelling Alliance-ISEAL. WWF, which coordinates the whole process of the Aquaculture Dialogue, is the only ISEAL member that currently works to formulate the shrimp aquaculture standard.

The public comments obtained during the 60-day public comment period will be used by ShAD Global Steering Committee to revise the Standard draft before it is published in the last period of the public comment stage. The final result of the global shrimp aquaculture standard is expected to be ready by the end of this year.


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